Support us

Your support is hugely appreciated, and there are a number of ways you can help by donation and spreading the word.


You can make a secure online donation with PayPal. Alternatively please contact us for the details if you’d like to make a donation by cheque, postal order or bank transfer, or set up a standing order with us.

Gift Aid Donations

If you would like to register your donation as Gift Aid, please fill out the Gift Aid form. For Gift Aid information on the HMRC website please Click here)

Spread the word

You can also help us to spread the word about this charity organisation. There are many ways you can do this including:

  • Sociai Media (linking to us from your Facebook status, or Twitter etc.)
  • Email
  • Word of mouth
    (Tell your friends, family, colleagues, and the person sat next to you on the train!… )

Fundraising Events

You may also be interested in organising a fund-raising event. This could be anything from hosting a party, a music night, an auction, a sponsored funny hair cut… let your imagination go wild! Contact us for more details.

Parachute Jump! (FREE!)

If you have ever wanted to do a parachute jump here is your chance.

Olympia-Wafula Foundation are looking for hundreds of adventurous volunteers to make a fundraising parachute jump and if you raise enough in sponsorship you will get to jump for free!

There are three types of jump available – an ‘Accelerated FreeFall’ where you can experience the thrill of skydiving solo from up to 12,000 feet, a ‘Tandem Skydive’ from 10,000 feet attached to a professional instructor and a ‘Static Line’ jump which is performed solo from up to 3,000 feet – and you can jump from any one of over twenty British Parachute Association approved airfields across the UK.

No experience is necessary as all training is given and if you raise from £360 (depending on the type of jump you choose) you will receive your jump for free.
So if you would like to make a thrilling skydive from 10,000 feet or an exhilarating solo jump from up to 3,000 feet give us a call at the office on 077 46 789 446 – we will send you a full information pack and everything you need to take part in the experience of a lifetime.

Contact us for further information